
Joseph E. Zaloga Post 1520


518 459-1520
We have just finished seven months of the 2025 membership solicitation year (Aug 24-Jul 25) and so far, we have received 484 renewal/transfers to includes 16 new members.   Our goal for the 2025 year is 580 and we are currently at 83% of that goal.  You can pay your 2025 dues on line at www.nylegion.net, click on "membership", scroll down to "renew online".   
REMINDER:  If you have not paid your 2025 dues by DEC 31st, you are in a "DELINQUENT STATUS" and your 2024 door key card WILL NOT allow you access to the Post.
If you are currently on federal active duty, the Post will pay your dues as long as you remain on active duty, we will need a copy of your Military ID Card and/or active duty orders.


Dues are $45.00 per year 

We welcome Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans

(Make sure you check out our special events page)


The Joseph E. Zaloga Post#1520 has been in existance since we gained our charter in 1946. We welcome all eligible veterans to join the Worlds Largest and Greatest Organization in the World. Membership into The American Legion is a continuation of your service to our veterans, community, state and nation.


We are located at 4 Everett Road Extension, just off exit 5 of of Interstate 90.


Our most prominent programs in the Post are, Law and Order, Oratorical, Children and Youth and Veterans Rehabilitation. We annually send numerous boys to Boys State. Our Boy Scout Troop has promoted numerous boys to the rank of Eagle Scout and everyday these boys are taught about Community Service, so they become assets to society as they grow into young men.

Our Post Lounge opens at noon 7 days a week and we offer a full bar complement at very reasonable prices. Our banquet hall is as nice as any hotel and it is available for weddings and parties at very competitive prices...and the food here is delicious and the kitchen staff is courteous and professional (see Banquet Menu).

Since our charter in 1946, the Joseph E. Zaloga American Legion Post 1520 has been welcoming Veterans from all branches of our Armed Forces. Today, we continue to welcome all military personnel serving our country. Joining our Post enables you to continue serving your God, Country and Community. Our mission is to implement the goals embodied in our preamble preamble. 


Executive Board meetings are the 1st Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm except July and August.  

Legion meetings are the 2nd Tuesday of the month, at 7:00pm except July, August and December.  

SAL Squadron meetings are the 2nd Tuesday at 7:oopm.

Auxiliary meetings are the 3rd Tuesday at 7:30pm.   

Corporation Board meetings are the 3rd Tuesday at 6:30pm of each month except July and August.  



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To the wonderful patriotic citizens of the Albany-Capital District community. Help us to continue to give aid and assistance to our local needy Veterans and their families; and support the many programs sponsored by the Zaloga Post.  Help us to continue to support financially worthy community programs and projects.

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