
Joseph E. Zaloga Post 1520



NOTE:  Any contact required for the below officers can be made by calling the Post at 518-459-1520 or by email at zal1520@nycap.rr.com and the message will be forwarded



Commander:       KEN SECOR

lst Vice Commander:       ROBERT MCGRAW

2nd Vice Commander:      GEORGE OTTY

3rd Vice Commander:      JOHN KAFER

Adjutant:       DAVE MILLER

Treasuer:                          DENIS BLAIS

Chaplain:                 ELMO KEARSING

Historian:                     GENE LOPARCO

Service Officer:                 KEN SECOR

Sergeant-at-Arms:          PAUL SANTSPREE

Sergeant-at-Arms:           RICHARD HOKE

Membership:                     HARVEY MARTEL

Color Guard:                       JERRY PERRY



The Post is fortunate to have a group of dedicated officeres for its Post Officers.  From its earliest beginings as a Post many Zaloga Post members have served in many positions and at different levels of the American Legion.  The Zaloga Post at various times in its history has had one or more of its members involved in the American Legion affairs at the County, District, State and National Levels.  Today is no different

National Organization
Bill Kearsing                National Executive Committeeman, 2019-2020
                                     Alt National Executive Committeeman, 2017-19; National Convention Commission
Mark Blank                   National Commander's Representative on Education  

Delegates to National Conventions-

Watson Olsiewski, Bill Kearsing, Elmo Kearsing, Ed Kearsing, Harvey Martel

Department of New York

Bill Kearsing              Department Commander 2009-2010
                                   Department Americanism Chairman 
                                   Department Credentials Chairman 2003-2006
                                   Department Convention Chairman 2008
Ed Klimek                  Past Department Vice Commander 1975-1976
                                   Chairman Mid Winter Conference
                                   Legionnaire of the Year 1993
Watson Olsiewski       Past Department Sgt. at Arms
                                   Commander's Aide 2009-2010
Al DeMizio                 Vice Chairman Department Membership Committee
                                   Legionnaire of the Year 2005
Ed Kearsing                Commander's Aide 2009-2010
Jerry Perry                 Commander's Aide 2009-2010
Elmo Kearsing            Commander's Aide 2009-2010
Edward Kearsing        Commander's Aide 2009-2010
Harvey Martel            Chairman, Mid Winter Conference, 2016-Present; Vice Chairman Employment
                                   Committee & Mid Winter Conference 2017-2018
Mark Blank                 Vice Chairman, Department Education & Scholarship; Special Projects


3rd District Level
Ed Klimek                  Past 3rd District Commander
Harry Peplowski        Past 3rd District Commander 1984-1985
Bill Kearsing              Past 3rd District Commander 2006-2007
Elmo Kearsing           3d District Commander 2019-2020, 3rd Distict Vice Commander 2018-2019
Mark Blank                Oratorical Chairman, Education Chairman
Harvey Martel            Legionnarie of the Year 2014


Albany County Level

Ed Klimek                  County Commander, 1970-1971
Harry Pelowski          County Commander, 1976-1977
Watson Olsiewski      County Commander, 1987-1988
                                    Sergeant at Arms, 2009-2012
Bill Kearsing              County Commander, 1995-1996
                                   Adjutant, 2011-2012
Al DeMizio                County Commander, 2001-2002
Jerry Perry                County Commander, 2005-2006, 
Harvey Martel          Vice Commander, 2008; County  Commander, 2009-2012; County Adjutant
Mark Blank               Vice Commander, 2011-2012; County Commander 2012-2014;  Oratorical; 
                                  Education; Distinguished Guest  
Elmo Kearsing          Vice Commander, 2011-2016; Current County Commander
Richard Grace          Vice Commander, 2012-2013
Dave Miller               Sgt At Arms. 2017-18
John Thompson         Rehabilitation; National Cemetaries 
Current County Chairmen
Jerry Perry                 Membership; Bowling
Bill Kearsing              Constitution; Bylaws
Meg Rodd                   Women's Recruitment; Historian 
Elmo Kearsing            Law and Order
Harvey Martel            Boys State; Sons of the American Legion
Dave Miller                Employment Committee

Names in BOLD are deceased