2024-2025 Officers
Commander: Joe Ewornsky
1st Vice Commander: John Trong
2nd Vice Commander: Emerson Kelly
3rd Vice Commander: Chris Heim
Adjutant: David Bishop, Sr
Treasurer: Frank Aquado,
Historian: Bob Baldwin
Sgt-at-Arms: Bernie Horlocher
Membership: Dave Bishop Sr.
Chaplain: Howie Hasenbien
Advisors: Jerry Perry and Harvey Martel
As Sons of the American Legion, Squadron 1520 strives to promote a sense of individual obligation to our community, state and nation.
During this past year Squadron 1520 achieved many accomplishments: volunteering, sponsoring many efforts of need that support our Veterans and their families with items and cash in the amount of more than $2,100.
Remember dues are being collected for 2025.
The Squadron is interested in more members selling 50/50 tickets, as the proceeds are used to fund our endeavors.
The Zaloga American Legion Post 1520 membership is proud of our Squadron 1520 accomplishments and their generosity to veteran and youth programs. The Zaloga Post 1520 Squadron is very active as shown by its consolidated report in 2024. The Squadron has achieved making many contributions to veterans, veterans cause and support to the community, state and nation. For instance, they volunteer for the Legion Oratorical contest, participate in flag ceremonies, Veterans Day Parade, Memorial Day Parade, place flags on veteran graves, donate to the American Legacy Scholarship, assist in Education programs, appear with their Color Guard at many Legion and community events, are represented on VAVS, provide cash contributions to Child Welfare and Support Our Troops programs.
We are proud of their success.
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