For booking an event please contact our banquet coordinator:
HARVEY MARTEL at 518-256-2256.
The Post opens at 12 noon and closes at 11pm or as business dictates.
Post Closures
Closed New Year's Day
Closed 4th of July
Closed Thanksgiving Day
Close at 6:00PM on Christmas Eve
Closed Christmas
Arts For Vets
This group continues to meet every Friday morning, from 9:00 to noon, to work on projects that interest them and to promote wellness. It is important to know that they are about far more than just Art. If you have a particular skill set that you would be willing to share (writing, drama, creative expression, music and art therapy, horse therapy) please contact Penny Deere at (607) 437-1732 or email her at penylee56@yahoo.com
Dart Leagues
MENS: The Men's Dart League meets every Thursday at 7:00pm. All Legionnaires and SAL members are welcome. Cost is $5.00 per night. Contact Mickey Myers at 518 852-1819 or Jerry Perry at 518 458-1238. New season starts in September.
MIXED LEAGUE: The Mixed League meets every Sunday at 6:30pm. Contact Claire Grant at 518-527-2934. New season starts in September.
BINGO is every Friday night starting at 7pm with doors opening at 5pm. Each week prizes in excess of $2,300 are awarded. You must be 18 years old to enter the BINGO hall. Also available is our "BINGO fare" which includes hamburgers, hot dogs, french fries, fish sandwiches, and pizza.
Legion, SAL, & Auxiliary Meetings
11-Feb-25 7pm Legion & SAL
18-Feb-25 7pm Auxiliary meeting
11-Mar-25 7pm Legion & SAL
18-Mar-25 7pm Auxiliary meeting
8-Apr-25 7pm Legion & SAL
15-Apr-25 7pm Auxiliary meeting
13-May-25 7pm Legion & SAL
20-May-25 7pm Auxiliary meeting
10-Jun-25 7pm Legion & SAL/installation
17-Jun-25 7pm Auxiliary meeting/installation
Upcoming Events
8-Feb-25 Adult Valentines Day party
6-Apr-25 Kids Easter party
11-May-25 9am-12pm Mothers Day breakfast
18-May-25 830am Cemetery Flag placement
26-May-25 Open House
6-8-Jun-25 Legion Family College
15-Jun-25 9am-12pm Fathers Day breakfast
Saturday - Feb 1 - Brian Zappel
Saturday - Feb 8th - No entertainment in the Lounge - Valentines Day Party
Saturday - Feb 15 - Kevin Pepe
Saturday - Feb 22 - Bill Perry